Some thoughts the Lord has given to me lately:
God gives us many gifts which are to be used for His glory.  For instance, we may have been given a gift of the ability to help others in their need.  When we use these gifts, it is giving a part of God, the Giver, as well as a part of ourselves.
As I thought more about the virus today, I was reminded that the Bible says, "the life is in the blood..."  Today in the news about the virus I read that survivors of the virus are being asked to volunteer to donate blood, which may contain antibodies to the virus. The blood antibodies would be given to those who are very ill in order to help them fight off the virus.  This may or may not work for those with the virus---BUT---we know that Jesus' blood, applied to the heart of the one who believes in Him by faith "cleanses that person from all sin." It is the one and only 'forever cure' that works every time, and always, for eternity.  That is a gift worth sharing with others today.
Prayerfully, Janice Connor