Visitation Teams: Serve as the hands and feet of Jesus by working with the pastors in providing prayer, encouragement, and assistance to those in need, like the home-bound, sick, in-crisis, or those in need of a personal visit. Time commitment varies and is dependant on a need-by-need basis.
Sunday Morning Greeters: Greet newcomers and the regular attenders on Sunday mornings or help pass out bulletins and usher those with special needs into the service.
Sunday Morning Cafe Team: Assist in preparing beverages for those in between worship services.
Provide Meals: Providing Meals is a crucial part of the ministry happening at Countryside Covenant. Food and fellowship are often synonymous with each other. Providing meals creates hospitality, care, and connection. Sign up for serving a whole meal or portions of a meal, as needed. Below are specific opportunities:
Setup and/or Cleaning Crew: Assist the janitorial staff in routine and non-routine cleaning, or help for special events and weekly events at the church.
Finance Committee: Must be a member to participate.
Property Team
Aministrative Team: You can help out in the office with various administrative tasks.
Worship and Audio/Visual: Do you have a musical talent or love working behind the scenes with audio and visual eqipment? This may be the place for you.