Kids Corner (Sunday Morning & Special Events): Kids Corner is our nursery for kids birth - 4 years. Commitment is typically once a month for 1.5 hours.
Kids Praise (Sunday Morning): Kids Praise is a place kids enjoy an age-appropiate worship experience. Leaders and Guides model worship to children ages 4 - 2nd grade and build relationships as they interact with the Bible. Commitment is typically once a month for 1 hour with some prep before Sunday.
Kids Town (Sunday Morning): Kids Town ministers to kids ages 2 - 4th grade during the Christian Formation hour. Teachers prepare lessons (curriculum provided) and teach 10-15 kids in a classroom. Commitment is once a week during the school year for 1.5 hours with some prep before Sunday.
Kids Life (Wednesday Evening): Kids Life is our midweek program for kids ages 4 - 5th Grade. Leaders meet with kids and encourage them as they grow in their relationship with Christ and prepare and equip them for ministry according to their gifts and interests. Commitment is once week during the school year for 2 hours with some prep before Wednesay.
Kids Corner Cleaning Team: Toys and equipment are sanitized regularly in our nursery. Commitment is 2-3 times a year for 1-2 hours).
If you already know how you would like to serve in children's ministries click the appropriate link below to complete an application.